A little bit of progress

October 20th, 2011

Thursday October 20th, 2011 —

Okay just to show you I’m not blowing a lot of hot air —

My first progress pic.

Next progress pic here –

Progress pic 2!

October 21st, 2011

And for my next progress pic, a problem. See that red area there, that’s a transparent area, and the background is actually red. For some reason the tilemap is being drawn with a black rectangle for the very last tile in the tileset. I’ll upload each here so you can see what I mean.

Progress 3

The tileset -- apparently it's saving as black, maybe it's a gimp 64bit problem

apparently I was working on the wrong image the whole time, and it's not gimp, code, or flashpunk's error.

Everything works, however that red won't stay there for long.

New demo for my LD Catch-Up game for “indirect interaction”

March 24th, 2011

left / right to move. Avoid the rocks.

Here’s the SWF:LD00 v1

The next demo with movement fixed here – LD00 v2

Demo now with levels! LD00 v3

Now with some other minor fixes…LD00 v4

LD00 Source Code

LD Update Game

March 23rd, 2011

For those not familiar — I had decided to play catch-up with all the ludum dare games that I missed starting with this one. The theme was “indirect interaction”. — and here’s an early demo of this game


use left and right arrows to move.