R-zone 3

Well I wasn’t going to upload this until I got the rest of the maps “carved out” but I am trying to figure something out. If you notice it doesn’t seem like you can move in the y direction at all, however you are moving, just on the map, and because there’s no frame of reference it doesn’t look right. It’s unlikely that I will have a completely blank screen in the finished game, but I’d like to add the functionality to be able to move vertically without moving the camera up or down until you hit the window edges. Also The player position remains and doesn’t reset in this version… Several changes were made “under the hood” so-to-speak.

Update #1: fixed the vertical movement problem but now have a camera/camera object problem. It loads all levels correctly, but the camera doesn’t seem to appear at the beginning of the new level.

Update #2: Solution was to make sure and reset the camera’s x position to the beginning of the level and make sure it loads when it gets to the end really. I needed to keep the camera persistent for the y position though so you wouldn’t be reset back to the middle of the map. Please keep in mind that the clear tiles are wider (if you move up to the top or down to the bottom you’ll notice some tiles after about 3 screens) — this means that it takes longer to actually see level tiles — this is just basic blocking, and no backdrop yet, when i get there you’ll get some sense of movement.

Here it is–

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