Archive for the ‘SAUSAGE’ Category


Thursday, November 18th, 2010

Moving right along. It took a while but now interactive objects I call “doodads” get loaded in from the svg file as well. In fact in the image description (as each doodad is really just an image) I can probably put synonyms for objects for when I actually get to the parsing part of the engine. Trying to put as much stuff into the svg file as I can so I can pretty much use inkscape as a room editor. This is pretty cool. I think next I’m going to work on animating roger.

I won’t be getting into sliding collisions anytime soon, mostly for the reason is that i don’t understand everything totally. The code I’m using to detect if a point is in a polygon doesn’t tell me the exact point crossed on the line. On the whole I’m not too good at math, so I basically cobble things together. I plan to credit everyone who’s code I’ve used in this engine, as that’s just good manners. In any case I might figure out sliding collisions later.

And here it is:

I’ve now added a foreground… walk through the door and see how you like it.

I’m having someone work with me on this, so here’s the current source.

SAUSAGE part 2

Monday, November 15th, 2010

I changed to some polygon related functions for collisions, and am now loading in svg’s for my backgrounds and walkable areas.

SAUSAGEEngineTest Flash

Here’s the project if you’re interested.


Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Super Awesome Ultra Sexy Adventure Game Engine — or SAUSAGE for short (sometimes I substitute Uber for Ultra but I think I like Ultra better).

All kidding aside, This is the first test of a Sierra OnLine AGI-style adventure game engine. It will have a text parser as well instead of point and click. This first bit is a test to see how I would do some of the collision stuff. I haven’t yet worked out how to structure it all.

Collision was giving me trouble as usual. But I’m also using FlashPunk which means I was trying to use the FP collision stuffs instead of rolling my own. It has something called a PixelMask which allows for pixel perfect collision detection. However the problem is, that it doesn’t give you the point of collision. So I had to work out based on the direction the sprite (the roger image) was moving, when it hit the “floor” mask. Which is essentially a pixel mask of the walkable areas. After some struggle and some help I was able to manage to get it not to jitter when it collided. In any case it works, although it may be buggy, if anyone could let me know if it is buggy. It decides what to draw in front of something else by flashpunks layer system. The higher the layer the further behind it is. So I simply subtract the y position of any object from the height of the screen/window in this case 200 to come up with the correct layer number. Works great.

Anyways here’s the first test. Just use the arrow keys to move, and that’s about it.
SAUSAGE Engine Test

Alternate engine test with sliding that isn’t that great.

Test dealing with layers.