Pong – the interactive adventure

October 12th, 2013

Play the “alpha” version of the twine version of Pong Adventure – Here.

If you want to know more about the game continue reading.

Oddly enough SAUSAGE is not dead yet. I decided to restart my adventure game engine and go all the way back to basics. The most basic for an interactive adventure is the choose-your-own-adventure style game. Remember those books from the 70’s – 80’s where you given some pages of text and then a couple of choices on what to do next and which page to turn to? Like that only computerized. No more turning to pages, but instead clicking on links.

I had participated in the Ludum Dare 48 hour competition #26 — I made a simple one for it. So I realized I could make these kinds of games and technically they’re not very complex. (Stories can be complex but the actual thing that drives them is not).

You can see, if you just read the old posts, about my struggles with building adventure games. I can think up tons of story material, but when it comes to visualizing rooms and scenes, or thinking up puzzles and what not, my mind goes blank. So what if I started from the ground up. I made these simple games, and after each 1-3 games I updated the framework until it’s a bona fide point-n-click engine? I could learn how to build adventure games from the ground up. Of course another way is a text adventure, or interactive fiction as it’s now called, but since I’m not going to build a parser and really interested in more graphical games, this is the way to go.

I’m even going to use this as an opportunity to learn pixel art, which is something I’ve always wanted to learn.

Okay so what to pick as my very first game. Well that was kind of tough… I had several ideas, but alot of the ideas would require research. For one thing I had a story about a haunted castle. But that posed all kinds of questions such as, What kind of castle is it, where is located, what are the parts of a castle, etc. Another is about a kingdom under a mountain where dwarves lived, and if you passed their tests you would win their gold. This is actually not a bad idea, because I can pretty much make junk up and it doesn’t mater if something isn’t technically correct. But I figured I would do something even simpler, as in the mountain kingdom would require I actually visualize locations of caves and stuff.

So someone suggested as a joke that I do Pong. At first I would be like, what would you do “Would you like to move up, down, or stay?” The more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be ideal. Firstly it’s just a funny/dumb idea. Secondly there’s not much I would have to visualize other than where the ball and paddles go. Thirdly the graphics would be dead easy. Perfect. Only not so perfect. The one problem I had was how many pages I would need to write to account for every score variation. Eventually got help from some people and figured it out. So now I have every score variation, that’s a lot of pages if you account for the max score of 11. I cut that down to 5 points of playable action but that was still a good number. You have to do every variation because you can’t just exit early. In the original pong arcade machine, you played until one of you got to 11. So it’s not like I would run into a dead end or die. (You can in some games die with number of lives, but even that you still have to write for each possibility where you don’t die).

Well one I got that all out of the way, I tried to figure out how to layout the game. I was thinking flowcharts and stuff, but interestingly there’s a program that allows you to write these kinds of adventures and put them on the web. It’s called Twine and it’s real simple to learn. So I build my pong adventure in Twine and after I tweak the text and stuff I will actually recreate it with my framework. So let me know what you think of Pong Adventure – Here.. Please leave some feedback.


Started a new project yesterday, tentatively titled “Game Changer”

May 29th, 2013

Technically I started working on my new game the beginning of this week (Monday, the 27th).

After having learned abit of haxe/nme/ and haxeflixel — I decided to go with HaxeFlixel for my new game.

The game is title Game Changer because it literally changes games every few levels. Started with an idea I was going to submit to Ludum Dare — it was the one with the theme of evolution. The idea was you take something like pong, and constantly evolve it to where it’s a completely different game. So I decided to use that as the basis for this project.

Here’s an outline I wrote —
Game Changer 1 —

3 levels per change —

catching ball paddle game
paddle ball deflection
super breakout (moving bricks, w/shooting)
aliens (like space invaders without horizontal movement)
space invaders
galaxian (formations)
galaga (formations + bosses)
vertical shmup with scrolling enemies
vertical shmup with obstacles, collidable roof and floor (scrolling map)

36 levels total.

I’m making the game in the tiny resolution of 80×120 — with scaling of course. I’m doing a flash version first, and then I will see about other platforms. I basically chose the aspect ratio of the iphone — just 320×480 or 2:3 — (or 3:2 if you were doing landscape). I probably won’t target the iphone any time soon because I don’t have a mac, or an iphone. But I figured the aspect ratio would be a good one to target.

In any case here is a screen shot of my great *game* :

Here’s an early partial mockup of one of the space invaders type of levels — although it seems they have no room to move, and thus will probably be much much different in the real thing:

That’s about it, I just wanted to show what I was working on.

Flash Fox official Update #1

February 3rd, 2013

I spent 3-and-a-half months working on sloped tiles using height-maps. I’m using LÖVE to develop my game in, and Tiled to make the maps.

Now I’ve started on my game, I don’t want to give too much away right now, but my main character is a Fox named Flash and he has to (surprise) rescue his girlfriend from a tower.

The game will be speed based. In this video I’ve just created some quickie temp graphics to give me visual feedback when you punch your enemies. So I will implement enemies next.
